Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tinker to Evers to Chance - A Wild Dream!

Here's a dream I had the other night: We were playing baseball for the Dodgers. It was the last game of the World Series against the Cubs. The Dodgers were leading in the Cubs' half of the ninth inning, with one out. Darin ("Little D") was at bat for the Cubs, with a runner on first. For the Dodgers, we had Suzanne pitching, myself playing second base, and Aaron playing first. Darin grounded to second, I shoveled it to the shortstop, who fired the relay to Aaron at first, and the game was over. Darin was upset, so I tried to console him by pointing out that we would all be remembered forever in baseball lore as the only World Series ending double play to have involved four members of the same family! He was not impressed!

Suzanne tells me there is something wrong with this dream. (What's new?!) Is it because the Cubs (home of the famous double-play combo of "Tinker to Evers to Chance") and the Dodgers are both in the National League, and would never play against each other in the World Series? Or is it that I would never have been able to bend down and field that grounder? She says it is the impossibility that she would ever have even been on the field, much less as "Fireball Suzi" the pitcher! Oh well! That's the nature of dreams, isn't it?

Thanks for indulging my looniness. (Sorry, no pictures.) Papa "Sure-Hands" Duck


Aaron said...

Nice! I got a starring role in your dream! At least me playing first base made some sense...

Nan said...

Awesome. I like the way you're thinking, Dad. I think its all very feasible.