Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Quail in our Yard!

Suzanne and I have been wishing for a long time that we had a covey of quail in our back yard. I've searched on-line for places that would sell us some chicks, and have been seriously considering buying some later this spring. I've also been scheming on how to catch a few from Shauna's and Spencer's yard to transplant into our yard. Imagine our surprize and excitement this morning when I saw this pair checking out our yard - hopefully for a new home? We hope they liked what they saw, and will stay.


photography by suzanne said...

These pics are great...I wish I had taken them!

Papa Duck said...

Quail update: July 6, 2009. After these pics, I went out and bought a bird watering device, and a feeder, plus some game bird food (quail, pheasants, etc.). Only the magpies took advantage. No more sign of quail. I also downloaded from the Internet a bunch of quail calls, and played them out the window into the yard. Still no return of the quail. Then, about 3 weeks ago, I heard the "Chee! Chee! Chi-ca-go!" call of a quail coming in the window early one Sunday morning. I jumped out of bed, grabbed the binoculars, and found him perched in the neighbor's tree. Well, that's close! I am trying to make arrangements to pick up a bunch of young quail chicks this coming weekend. Lately, I have heard their distinctive call coming from different parts of our subdivision, or in the fields down by the Jordan River Trail. This morning, we saw one hide in our flower bed, and later fly into a hiding place in our bushy blue spruce. There is hope!