Sunday, October 12, 2008

Serre de Laurian - Our Cabin in the Mountains

Since 1989, we've had a little cabin in the mountains near Oakley, UT. We named it "Serre de Laurian," after the name of a quaint little country house I lived in on my mission, in the CĂ©vennes region of southern France. In French, a "serre" is a greenhouse, or a plant nursery, or (more figuratively) a garden spot or a growing place. We've done our best to plant trees, flowers, and to keep it green and pretty.

The third picture in this group was taken early one morning in August, after we had spent most of the night out on the loungers counting and taking pictures of meteors during the annual Perseid metero shower. We also had two telescopes and had fun looking at plantets and hunting deep sky objects like galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, etc. At the cabin, we enjoy the most beautiful dark skies for star gazing. (See the Astronomy Photos post earlier on this blogspot.)

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