Monday, August 31, 2009

Quail Report - Freedom Day

Above, the last pictures of the quail in captivity. "The huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
When the cage wall was removed, several immediately flew over the fence and disappeared. But these two stayed on the wall, trying to decide, "Should I go, or should I stay?" One looks like he's ready to fly off into the sunset.

This one stayed on top of the cage. Glad to be "out," but not sure if she wanted to leave her home.

This one roosted in the aspen right above the cage.

And this one flew to the other end of the yard and roosted in a big pine tree. We will see if they return to the cage area for their food and water.

1 comment:

photography by suzanne said...

Hope they come home...pretty sad day with the cage empty.