Sunday, July 26, 2009

Quail Report - 2 Weeks

We've had our quail chicks for two weeks today. That means they are about 8 weeks old. They're getting bigger, and they are starting to chirp more and louder. The color differences between male and female are becoming more evident. The male (right) has a white line above the eye and a black patch below the eye - the beginning of his black "beard." The female has just a dark patch behind the eye. (Click on each picture to see them super-close-up!)

The males have a distinct blue tint to their back, shoulders and breast. (See two photos above.) Notice again the markings around the eyes, including the white stripe above the eyes that sets off the crown of their head. At full adulthood, that crown will be reddish (see photo at end of this post).

The females are more brown (no blue tint), and have more subdued markings on back, shoulders, breasts, and around eyes. Notice again the dark patch behind the eye.

This photo from last April shows the distinctive adult markings. Our "adolescent" chicks still have a ways to go, don't they? Still, they're pretty dang cute!


photography by suzanne said...

I don't think it is a bit fair that the males of every species are always the prettiest!

Papa Duck said...

Well, it certainly is not true in the human species!